Other Awards

SSAGO Awards and Trophies

Committee Colander

With the same spirit as the Cutlery Cup, the Committee Colander hopes to highlight outstanding achievements by groups of SSAGO members who have delivered significant success by working together.

This may be through a SSAGO club committee, where a group of people have started, significantly grown or re-built a club. Perhaps they have run a high quality programme all year, had a large increase in membership or banded together to pick up a struggling club and put it back on track.

Alternatively they may have worked together for one event. It could be a local event for the club or for young people which successfully reached out to the wider Scout and Guide community. It could also be a National Event, where a committee has delivered an overwhelmingly positive experience above the usual expectations. Or even if you have had an international event, where a committee has taken SSAGO global to push boundaries, make new friends or experience something new.

If you feel that you have been surrounded by a great team you may want to nominate a committee that you yourself are part of. As the Colander will normally be awarded in April, committees of the previous academic year ending in July can also be nominated, as they wouldn’t have finished their tenure by April of the previous year.

Submit a Nomination


04/2024 Portsmouth SSAGO (PUGS) Committee 2023-24 The Committee Colander went to the Portsmouth SSAGO (PUGS) Committee for their excellent service to their club during 2023-24.
04/2023 Sheffield StinGS Committee 2022-23 SSAGO’s third ever Committee Colander award went to the Sheffield StinGS 2022-23 committee.
04/2022 The SciJam Committee The second-ever SSAGO Committee Colander was awarded to Liverpool University SSAGO's SciJam Committee.
08/2020 BUSAG 2019/20 Committee The 19/20 Birmingham University Scouts and Guides Committee were awarded the inaugural Committee Colander for their outstanding year jammed packed with big events such as their 90th Anniversary Camp and Chocolate Rally, as well as excellent recruitment and their focus on health and well being prior to, and during, Lockdown.